2022 Christmas Appeal – St Vincent De Paul Society
November 17, 2022
26th & 27th November 2022
The Ingleburn St Vincent de Paul Members invite you to help local struggling families again this Christmas.
Recent cost of living increases due to rises in the cost of food, energy bills and petrol have been some of the largest in recent times and has seen inflation surge.
Whilst it has affected us all, it has affected the marginalised in our community more acutely, and there is only so much you can cut back on the necessities of life. On top of this families in private rental are dealing with large increases in rent, whilst others in the community have recently lost a job, are escaping family violence or are struggling on reduced income. Please give to this appeal and help us to provide support for those in our community who need it the most. As the Conference has only volunteer members, all of the money raised by this Appeal will be used to assist the families in need. We are seeking monetary donations with which we will buy gift cards to give to some of these families.
There will be appeal envelopes on the Church pews which you can use to make a cash or credit card donation, and these can be placed in a collection box at the back of the Church. You may also wish to take them away and return next week with your donations. If you require a receipt for taxation purposes please include your details on the appeal envelope. Please return the envelopes by the weekend of 10/11 December 2022.
If you wish, you may also donate on-line directly to the Ingleburn St Vincent de Paul Conference by following the below link to our fund-raising page. You can also scan the QR code on the Vinnies Christmas Appeal poster in the Church and this will also take you to the fundraising page.
Any monies donated through this link get allocated directly to the Ingleburn St Vincent de Paul Conference.
Thanking you so much for your support,
The Ingleburn St Vincent de Paul Members.