Holy Family Catholic Primary School lives the core values of the school through the motto: And He Grew In Wisdom. This is guided by the Gospel values found within the Scriptures and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Holy Family Catholic Parish Primary School began in the minds of the people of the northern Macarthur region long before it actually opened in 1982. During the 1970s when the Campbelltown area started to develop and the population increased rapidly, the only Catholic primary school between Camden and Liverpool, St John’s in Campbelltown, quickly outgrew demand for places.
A group of interested parents formed a committee in an endeavour to have a Catholic school in the northern Macarthur area. This group of dedicated parents worked tirelessly over a number of years to bring their dream to fruition. Plans were finally drawn up for a school in Ingleburn. Originally, the plan was for a three-stream school, but these were modified to a two-stream school as funding could not be obtained. It was at this point that the Sisters of the Good Samaritan were invited to provide support through the appointment of a founding principal. Sr Bernadette Nichols was chosen and she met the challenge of establishing Holy Family School in time for its first students and staff. This meant making decisions about such things as school uniform, new buildings, temporary accommodation, staffing, furniture and equipment.
In 1982, 120 students commenced across Kindergarten to Year 2. Accommodated initially in temporary buildings, it took six months before the school could move into the new buildings. By 1988, all classroom and administration buildings were completed and enrolments filled all 14 classrooms. The Library was completed in the early 1990s. In 2010, using the federal government’s Building the Education Revolution incentive package, all classrooms and toilet facilities were refurbished. The most recent refurbishment occurred in 2017 when the old parish church was converted to a hall.
In 1998, one of our teachers, Jennine Meehan, passed away and went to her just reward in Heaven. Loved by all that knew her, Jennine had taught at the school for six years and at one time was the religious education coordinator. A special garden at the school was created to preserve her memory and this plaque is located today in the garden under the window of the staff room.
Holy Family Catholic Primary School lives the core values of the school through the motto: And He Grew In Wisdom. This is guided by the Gospel values found within the Scriptures and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
This recognition of the important role the Church plays in the education of the students is grounded in our beliefs that Catholic education is inclusive, celebrated, evangelising and supportive.
The school works towards its mission by building a learning community of students and professionals who embrace Catholic education and provide an authentic curriculum and pedagogy to meet the challenges of 21st-century education.
Holy Family Catholic Parish Primary School serves the community parishes of Ingleburn, Minto, Macquarie Fields and Glenfield.
The school links to the parish community through regular Masses and liturgies, fundraising activities and participation in various social events.
Holy Family Catholic Parish Primary School is led by our principal, Michelle Rolfe, and works in conjunction with Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. This enables the school to be supported by system-wide policies as well as to ensure that we are an inclusive community based on the life of Jesus Christ.
Holy Family Catholic Parish Primary School | Oxford Road Ingleburn NSW 2565 | Ph (02)96 058 649 | Fax (02)98 291 820 | Email info@hfidow.catholic.edu.au