Bishop Timothy Norton SVD the New Bishop of Broome
October 16, 2024

Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Timothy Norton SVD as the New Bishop for the Diocese of Broome.
The Diocese of Wollongong celebrates the appointment of Bishop Timothy Norton SVD, previously Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane, as the third Bishop of Broome. This significant announcement by Pope Francis brings hope and renewal to the Diocese of Broome after more than three years of vacancy!
Born in Sydney in 1958, Bishop Norton’s journey to this appointment is one marked by deep compassion and commitment to serving those on the margins. Originally trained as a physiotherapist, his early work with vulnerable young people experiencing homelessness, addiction, and mental health challenges in Darlinghurst reflected his heart for those in need. This foundation led him to the Society of the Divine Word in 1984, where he took his vows, and eventually to his ordination as a priest in 1991.
Bishop Norton’s ministry spans continents and communities—from parishes in Mexico to leadership roles in Australia and Italy. His work has touched the lives of many, especially through his dedication to Indigenous communities and those who are poor and marginalised. His most recent service as Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane has been marked by a spirit of collaboration and a commitment to renewal, particularly in rural and remote areas of Australia.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, remarked:“Bishop Norton will bring energy, vision, and a profound love for the people of Broome, especially for the Indigenous communities that are at the heart of this vast diocese.”
The Diocese of Broome, covering an area larger than France, is a land rich in culture and tradition. With over 61 percent of Catholics identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Bishop Norton’s commitment to fostering relationships within these communities will be a tremendous blessing.
We ask our community to pray for Bishop Norton as he embarks on this new chapter, bringing with him a wealth of experience, a deep love for the Church, and a heart filled with compassion.
We have included below a beautiful prayer, inspired by the Diocese of Sale, which they prayed for their new Bishop.
Loving God,
in your faithfulness,
we ask you to bless Bishop Timothy Norton SVD
as he begins his ministry in the Diocese of Broome.
Grant him the wisdom, strength, and compassion
to continue the good work of his predecessors.
In your love for us,
guide him as he leads us to be Christ’s heart of mercy,
voice of hope, and hands of justice.
Fill his mind and heart with the truth of the Gospel,
the power of the sacraments,
and the desire to build up your holy Church.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.