2024 Catechist Appeal
January 18, 2024
Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me”.
If you are interested in being trained as a Catechist now, to be available to start helping in the schools at the beginning of 2024, we would love to hear from you! We could do with some more help.
Please contact the parish catechist coordinator, Jo Mortimer (ph:0402974473) or leave your name and contact details on the clip-board on the catechist display table in the church foyer.
Once you have completed the short training (face-to face course in February, in Campbelltown, or on-line training option), you would be teamed -up with a trained catechist and start helping in a class. You might remain as a helper, or eventually take your own class.
We need catechists for schools on either Tuesday, Wednesdays or Fridays in term time.
It is a very enjoyable and wonderful opportunity to serve God!