In Our Parish | The Annual Lord Of Miracles Peruvian Festival
November 1, 2022
The annual celebration of The Lord Of Miracles pilgrimage drew 300-400 people from many areas of Sydney to Holy Family Parish on 16th October 2022.
This festival originates from Lima, when people dress in purple to host one of the most well attended religious events in South America in October. This celebration dates back to the colonial period when a slave painted an image of the Dark Christ on the wall of a farm in Pachacamilla. Miraculously, this image of Christ survived a subsequent earthquake and efforts to remove the painting. Today, thousands of faithful dressed in purple habits join the Lord of Miracles procession during its passage through the streets of Lima. This is a dramatic ritual of faith, hope and tradition. It has now become a regular event here at Holy Family Ingleburn for over thirty years.
The day began with a solemn Mass at 1.30pm enhanced with music and song. The presiding priests were Father Gustavo Criollo, Father Henry Adler SVD, Parish Priest and Father Fernando Montanes from Mexico.
Following Mass, the Lord Of Miracles Anda, weighing about two tons, was carried on the shoulders of believers which bears the painting from the church. Afterwards many people remained to continue the celebration with food and music in the church grounds well into the afternoon.
Written by Karen (Parishioner)
Photos provided by Alberto and Eloyda Espinal