In our Parish : Memorial Mass & Garden Blessing Fr Peter Caruana | 3 AUGUST 2022
August 16, 2022
It has been one year since Father Peter Caruana passed to eternal life on 03/08/21.
To mark this occasion Holy Family Parish held a Memorial Mass on Wednesday evening 03/08/22 to honour Fr Peter, which was well attended by parishioners past and present, including members of Fr Peter’s family, approximately 300 in total. The atmosphere in the church was one of peace and love enhanced by beautiful music. Father Henry’s homily reflected on the reading of the day from Jeremiah 31:1-7 in that God called Jeremiah with an everlasting love and that God would always be with him, as was Fr Peter, who followed his calling with great love for the parish of Holy Family. Fr Henry also said that it was important for us to carry on Fr Peter’s legacy by actively participating in the life of our parish.
Following the Mass, the congregation was invited to proceed to the rear of the church where a memorial garden, constructed on the site of the previous presbytery, was blessed and a memorial plaque unveiled in remembrance of Fr Peter. Afterwards, supper was provided and many stayed and shared memories of Fr Peter Caruana. Many that attended commented that there was a feeling of healing peace and happiness Rest in peace Father Peter Caruana.
Written by Karen (Parishioner)