2022 Winter Appeal | 18-19 June 2022
June 7, 2022
St Vincent de Paul Ingleburn & Minto Conferences
The Ingleburn and Minto SVDP Conferences’ Annual Winter Appeal provides our Holy Family Parish community at Ingleburn and Minto with the opportunity to help local families in need and crisis at this time. So please give to this appeal and help us to provide support to those in our community in need.
Rising costs, particularly high private rents, electricity, gas and water rates, casual and shorter working hours, unemployment and illness contribute to a large number of local families seeking our assistance. We also have a continuing number of recent arrivals to the area requiring our assistance in helping them to re-establish themselves and their families. They may have been escaping domestic violence, recovering from relationship breakups or have been re-housed after a period of homelessness. As both Conferences have only volunteer Society members, all of the money raised by this Appeal will be used to assist families in need.
You will find appeal envelopes on the church pews on the weekend of 18/19 June 2022, and, if requested, a receipt can be provided for taxation purposes for all donations of $2.00 and over. Please place appeal envelopes in the second collection or in the Appeal Box as you leave the church. Thank you in anticipation of your generosity.
Alternatively, you may also donate on-line directly to the Ingleburn SVDP Conference by clicking on the link below:
Any monies donated through this link get allocated directly to the Ingleburn SVDP Conference.
Finally, both Ingleburn and Minto SVDP Conferences only have a small number of dedicated volunteers, but could always do with extra members. So if you think that joining us in this opportunity to show God’s love to others through our actions would interest you, then please contact us, and we will provide further information about our activities and how you could become a member. Please contact Worrell Jacinto (0412 929 484) from the Ingleburn Conference or Cynthia Fenemore from the Minto Conference (0418 669 361). You can also leave your details with Fr Henry or with Michaela at the Parish Office You can also contact the Ingleburn Conference by email at
Any interested parishioners are also welcome to attend Ingleburn SVDP Conference meetings which are held fortnightly on Thursday at 7:00 pm in the parish meeting room below the church. The meeting dates are usually advertised in the Parish Bulletin.