March 10, 2022
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ
My prayers and thoughts are with you all as this flood disaster continues. In recent days we have had towns in our diocese cut off; a number of our schools closed, non-operational or on alert; church buildings and agency offices affected by flooding and heavy rain; and clergy, staff, families, students and friends from our extended community experiencing another trauma. And while the rain is set to ease, authorities are warning it doesn’t mean the state’s flooding emergency is over.
In a heartfelt video message to his flock, Greg Homeming OCD, Bishop of Lismore, said it had been “a very tragic few days”. To those who had “lost everything” in these floods, Bishop Greg said that everyone across the diocese was suffering with them. “This has all happened at a time when we were hoping that 2022 would be a year of hope, a good year,” he said.
As a diocese, I would like to provide practical support for the people of Lismore. I also want to provide pastoral and practical support for the people in our own diocese who have been, and will continue to be, impacted by these floods. I am inviting you to donate to my Flood Relief Appeal 2022 below so that, with your support, we can meet this goal.
Yours in Christ
Most Rev Brian G Mascord DD
9 March 2022