Message from Fr Sean Cullen | 8 October 2021
October 8, 2021
Dear Parishioners,
I offer the weekly message while attending the first general assembly of the Plenary Council. This week, just under 300 delegates have gathered (virtually) to listen and discern the direction of the Catholic Church in Australia. It is a week of prayer and deep listening to the working of the Holy Spirit, guiding the Church to become more missionary in its governance and practice.
Meanwhile, here in NSW we are in countdown, as the state slowly opens up. As I mentioned last week, we plan to open the doors of our Church on the weekend 30/31 October.
Early next week, our Bishop will meet with the council of priests to further discuss the roadmap for the diocese. If there is any change to the plan, (perhaps opening up earlier), I will let you know via email as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on the parish website where any changes and updates will also be communicated.
Please let others know, who may not have access to this message, that we will soon be back at Mass and assure them of the safety of returning physically to the Church. I look forward to sharing the Eucharist with you in person.
Have a safe and happy week ahead,
Fr. Sean.